
上海服裝集團的(de)前身可(kě)追溯至1950年(nián)創立的(de)上海市(shì)第一(yī)批手工業合作社。1995年(nián),由原上海市(shì)服裝總公司按照現代企業制度要求,轉制成立了國(guó)有(yǒu)、集體合營有(yǒu)限責任公司——上海服裝(集團)有(yǒu)限公司。 2005年(nián),上海紡織控股(集團)公司将集團國(guó)有(yǒu)股權劃轉長(cháng)甯區國(guó)資委。近年(nián)來,集團圍繞時尚創意産業, 堅持“服裝主業”和(hé)“創意園區”雙輪驅動,聚焦優勢品牌和(hé)産品,提升服裝主業核心競争力,提升園區發展 能級,打造時尚創意産業載體平台。

與此同時,上服集團堅持貫徹“創新、協調、綠(lǜ)色、開放、共享”的(de)發展理(lǐ)念,将“時尚、共益、可(kě)持續”融 入兩大主業發展,提出可(kě)持續時尚産業發展戰略,力争樹立上海可(kě)持續時尚文化倡議品牌标杆。


The origin of Shanghai Garment Group was dated back to the first batch of Shanghai Handicraft Cooperative founded in 1950. In 1995, Shanghai Garment Corporation was reformed into Shanghai Garment(Group)Company Limited, which was a state-owned collective joint venture limited liability company. In 2005, Shanghai Textile (Group) Company put the Group' s state-owned share under the administration of Changning SASAC Recently, centering on fashion and creative business, the Group adheres to the strategy driven by dual engines,i.e. garment business and creative industry park, and focused on competitive brands and products to improve the core competitiveness of the main garment business and development level of creative industry park and build a platform for fashion and creative business. At the same time, the group adheres to the development concept of "innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing", integrates "fashion, common benefit and sustainability" into the development of its two main businesses, puts forward the development strategy of sustainable fashion industry, and strives to establish the benchmark of Shanghai sustainable fashion culture initiative brand.