地(dì)址 / Address:上海市(shì)浦東新區楊新路88号No. 88, Yangxin Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai
電話 / Telephone:021-58420123
地(dì) 址:上海市(shì)浦東新區楊新路88号1号樓4層405室
面 積:132-420平方米
聯 系 人:張經理(lǐ)
租 金:2.8元起/平方米/日
物 管:0.5元/平方米/日
上服新谷T GARDEN創意園位于三林世博功能區的(de)楊思地(dì)區,緊鄰川楊河畔。園區設計理(lǐ)念新穎,蘊涵深厚的(de)中國(guó)文化底蘊,兼具時尚感與時代氣息,以低(dī)樓層、低(dī)密度的(de)建築空間設計,多層次、密集型的(de)景觀設計,為(wèi)整個園區提供花園“獨棟”式的(de)辦公場所,為(wèi)園區客戶提供了充分的(de)靈感源泉與靜谧空間。
T GARDEN is located in Yangsi area of Sanlin Expo Functional Area, near the bank of Chuanyang River. The design concept of the park is very novel, not only containing profound Chinese culture but also featuring a sense of fashion and characteristic of the era. With the design of low-rise low-density architectural space and multi-level intensive landscape, the park provides "gardern-like single building office space for the whole par and adequate source of inspiration and quiet space tor park customers.